
How is your Health?

Three people collage

The first post on our #MondayBlog was about health, and in it, we talked about the importance of health.
Today, about a year later, we decided to bring this theme back, in honor of the National Health Day in Brazil, celebrated on August 5th.

We at Prospecto work with special risk insurance, and in most cases, these products are high-tension, high-stress and high-speed work environments.

If you work with audiovisual or events, you know what we are talking about. Mind going in all directions, heart racing, everything is for yesterday!

Therefore, we would like to speak with you, dear reader, and make you ponder if your health is doing well.

Current studies show that post-pandemic society is manifesting the results of that whole process of isolation, work stoppage and diseases. And that worldwide!

There is a worrying increase in mental illness, such as depression and anxiety, which has driven many people to suicide.

So our invitation to you today is to look at yourself and confirm that all is well within you, but also look to the side and see if the people around you are healthy, in body and mind.

Our main focus, as a broker, seems to be on insuring audiovisual productions or events.

The truth is that our focus is you.

Yes, you who create, who live, who work, who strive.
Without you, without people, there is no life, there is no art, there is nothing.

We know that you change the day for the night, sleep little, that's when you sleep. Lives on fast food, takes one job after another. This is the life of those who work in the audiovisual sector, but there are ways to continue doing what you love, without harming your health, or reducing the negative effects of these practices.

And with you in mind, we strive to work with the best companies and insurers that provide insurance and health plans that truly help you in your time of need.

Doctors, laboratories and professional hospitals, well equipped, and human.
One of the steps to ensure tranquility, a state that directly influences our health, is to take preventive actions, such as hiring the right health plan for you, your family and employees.

Don't play with your health. Talk to Prospect today.

We look forward to seeing you on our next #MondayBlog.

Prospecto Seguros

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Errors and Omissions
Audiovisual Production
Life and Personal Accidents